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[象湖教育] 斯玛特教育集团

象湖斯玛特 显示全部楼层 发表于 2019-2-24 11:22:41 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题



       斯玛特教育集团是国内的专业儿童美术教育连锁机构,成立于2010年,旗下包含斯玛特儿童美术中心、SMART HOME、SMART TRAVEL三大教育板块。目前已在全国拥有教师5000余人,从业人员7000余人,已为近十五万中国家庭提供了专业的儿童美术教育服务。

       Established in 2010, SMART ART Education Group is a chain brand in children art education in China. Its service consists of three educational services: SMART ART center for kids, SMART HOME and SMART TRAVEL. So far, its full-time teachers have reached 5,000 over China and the total faculty members have reached 7,000, providing professional children art education services for 150,000 families in China.


       SMART ART center for kids, is at the core of the Group's three major education divisions. With its concept of Shepherd Our Children With A Father’s Heart, SMART ART pursues an education approach of Accompaniment, Enlightenment, Guidance and Assistance. We offer dynamic classes that deliver naturally emergent results without any pre-determined outcomes. The mission of SMART ART is to provide Chinese families with premium, professional arts educational services that enable children to create like artists, and to raise, hand-in-hand with parents, well-rounded children. To date, SMART ART has opened over 700 children's art centers in 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions in China. We deliver professional children's arts-based educational services to nearly 150,000Chinese families, and have become the leader in the children's arts education sector in China.

       SMART HOME是斯玛特重要的教育理念,也是斯玛特的三大教育板块之一。斯玛特提倡以家庭为单位的艺术教育,鼓励家长和孩子一同接受艺术熏陶,为孩子提供一个艺术的家庭氛围。SMART HOME开设父母课堂,为父母准备了插花、木工、油画、美术史等艺术体验课程,父母和孩子一起学习艺术,获得亲情和艺术的双重收获。SMART HOME致力于让艺术走进家庭、融入生活,除相关的艺术课程外,还开发了与美术教育相关的产品及日常用品,让艺术成为每个家庭生活的一部分,成为一种美好的生活方式。

       SMART HOME is an important SMART ART educational notion, and also one of the Group's three major educational divisions. We encourage families to incorporate arts education into their family lives, so that parents learn together with their children, which leads to an artistic atmosphere at home. SMART HOME offers practical classes for parents, including flower arranging, carpentry, oil painting and art history, artistic experiences that nurture the family. The parents and children learn art together, benefiting all in terms of family relationships and development in the arts. SMART HOME is committed to bringing art into families and into people's daily lives. Additionally, SMART HOME has products and services that are art-related, so art readily becomes a part of daily life and a wonderful lifestyle.

       SMART TRAVEL是为中国家庭提供的亲子艺术游学服务,是斯玛特教育理念的延伸,也是斯玛特的三大教育板块之一。通过艺术游学,孩子们可以亲眼看到艺术大师的原作,获得最为真实直观的艺术感受;可以对各个时代的艺术作品和艺术特色有全面的认知,获得系统完整的艺术史教育;可以看到最新的艺术潮流和趋势,培养全球化的思维意识。同时,也可以让家长有一段较长的时间专门陪在孩子身边,给孩子24小时的“浸泡式陪伴”。斯玛特陪伴家庭,家长陪伴孩子,在亲子之间留下温暖美好的记忆。

       SMART TRAVEL also offers an extension of our education services with the parent-child overseas art travel study program. It is another major educational initiative of the Group. When they travel abroad, the kids develop a great appreciation of the original works of the world’s art masters – an opportunity for them to improve the depth of their understanding of these art works and of the styles throughout the ages. In this way they will benefit from a systematic, complete art history program of learning. They also get to touch or at least witness directly the latest art trends, thereby developing a sense of globalization. For parents, the travel program is an excellent opportunity to experience these things with their kids, accompanying them in this immersive program 24 hours a day. Smart accompanies the families, and parents accompany the children. The wonderful memories will linger in everyone’s minds and hearts.

Educational Concept


        Shepherd Our Children With A Father’s Heart is the core philosophy of the SMART ART Education Group ("the Group"). It has three connotations, namely affection, awakening and accompanying. Affection is a must for educators, who would be best advised to teach all children by treating them as if they were their own kids; fathers should be awakened to the fact that they are an essential element in the family and so should participate more in home education and spend more time accompanying their children both emotionally and intellectually; compared to other family members, fathers tend to be more tolerant companions to kids and allow for more autonomy, allowing greater latitude for experiencing, exploring and making mistakes.

Philosophy of education

生成式课堂:陪伴、启发、引导、帮助   启发式教学、保护孩子的个性化创意

Dynamic classes that deliver naturally emergent results: Accompaniment, Enlightenment, Guidance and Assistance. Follow the heuristic model of education. Nurture the Innate creativity of kids.



SMART education mode and SMART five links

Brand Positioning

存仁爱之心 说建造之话 行光明之事 立大器之业

With a kind heart, deliver education in just ways so as to foster outstanding talents.

Brand Target


Work with parents to raise healthy, happy and smart kids.

Brand Mission


Offer education that will have a real impact on the next generation, and that will bring happiness to more families.


斯玛特教育集团成立于2010年,是一家发源于中国本土的美术教育机构。斯玛特教育集团旗下包含斯玛特儿童美术中心、SMART HOME、SMART TRAVEL等业务内容。集团成立至今,已经在全国拥有近700家儿童美术中心,教师达到5000余人,全国从业人员7000多人,已为超过15万中国儿童家庭提供美术教育服务。斯玛特教育集团力求为孩子提供优质的美术课程。集团拥有数十名国内美术创作与教育领域的专家学者,教学课案保持每季度全面更新一次的高频更新速度。未来,斯玛特教育集团将继续秉承“用父亲的心做教育”的理念,为万千中国家庭提供优质服务。



斯玛特 用父亲的心做教育



爷爷泡的茶 来自微信公众号「象湖圈」:xianghu360 显示全部楼层 发表于 2019-2-24 16:29:33
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